MNM supports 8 payment methods and 29 currency units. As a national federation, you can add payment methods for MNM to transfer your product fees to you. 

For available payment methods and currency units, you can check the article

1. Go to and provide your login details to continue. 

2. From the user menu located on the upper right-hand side of anywhere in the system, click the settings icon next to your federation name to switch to the federation dashboard. 

3. Click "Settings" from the side menu and then "Add New Payment Method"

4. Select a method from the list. 

5. There are 3 payment receiving methods: Stripe, PayPal, Bank Account 


Click "Connect Account". 

You will be redirected to the Stripe page. Provide account details and login. 

Then, you will be redirected to MNM and view the connected account. 


Provide a Paypal account email and click "Save". 

Bank Account 

Provide bank account details and click "Save". 

6. You can also edit or revoke these methods later.