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"booking" tag articles

How To Cancel A Ticket And To Get Refunds

Sep 19, 2022 - 1 year ago . 1 out of 1 found this helpfull

Customers, Organisation Admins & Sub-organisers - basically everyone can manage cancellations from their respective Bookings pages. Customers can...

How To Book A Ticket In Simple Events

Sep 6, 2022 - 1 year ago

On the MNM Event, you can view and edit the bookings that you have purchased. In this article we have three sections; select tickets for booking, fill...

How To Book A Membership Restrictive Event

Dec 27, 2022 - 1 year ago . 0 out of 2 found this helpfull

  If affiliation with a National Federation is mandatory;  If a club membership is mandatory;  View articles for detailed instructio...

What Are The Event Types And Their Features?

Aug 13, 2021 - 2 years ago

You, as an organisation admin, can create events depending on the level of the organisation.  Description of Event Types Event Type Descriptio...

How To Manage Your Bookings As A Customer

Sep 6, 2022 - 1 year ago . 0 out of 2 found this helpfull

,   Here's how you can manage your MNM Event bookings, that you have purchased before: Instructions 1. Go to and provide your log...

How To Manage Your Bookings As An Event Manager

Sep 15, 2022 - 1 year ago

  Organisers can see all of their event bookings on the Manage Bookings page.    Instructions 1. First of all, visit the MNM Events an...

Documents & Equipments: A Guide for Organisers and Attendees

May 30, 2024 - 1 month ago

Documents  The documents feature is a powerful tool for event organisers with predefined actions: Upload, text entry, external link, approval, a...